Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 10:49 pm
haiix sryy ppl
i noe i quite long nv post ler went to c doc
cuz my bac stil pain thn doc tel me gt alittle bone displacement
so he go adjust it bac
now stil a bit pian cuz he du dam hard lyk wan my life lyk tt
hahs thn went to KFC aft tt
cuz mather wan met up the insurance uncle n tok abt stuff
i nt interested thn jus nice i saw isabelle clarice sidney n xinyi thr
thn i was walking to thier thr
thn we tok tok tok laugh laugh laugh
its the first tyme i saw xinyi so siiao lor
she kep hittin isabelle lehh><
she mus b eat sumthg rong lor
thn aft tt cuz sidney cool cool der nt much reaction whn we laugh
so we act cool wif her
thn she laugh lyk siiao lor
its oso my first tyme saw sidney laugh til cry lehh
n hor its nt tt type of normal tear dop dwn..
its lyk sum 1 cry thn laugh tt type of cry lehh
thn i saw le i laugh lyk siiao
malcolm was thr eating too(wif his frens)
he luk so blur lor..lyk dunoe wads goin on tt type of face..
hahs bt he hang out wif hakeem thy all too much ler
he chng a lot..hahs his nt the malcolm we noe on the first 3 daes of sku..
okae nvm wadeva nt my prob
all my didi all guai/funi der
all my k0rk0r al MIA
ystd bac sore lyk hell cnt walk propeli lor
todae beta ler..but i sickTT
gt cold i tink
i gt 21 for geog CA2
32 for DnT ^^
so happi lor hahs
went to TM thr wif hengle thy all (n xinyue)
thn tok to novyy n sharon abt stuff on the wae
sum reali true stuff
well sharon went hme first
thn xinyue go eat thn hengle wan buy headset so pai her
she veri DA PAI
thn hor we go find xinyue aft tt(her suggestion)
cuz i oreadi tel xinyue wan go cor me cuz gt choir so nid go bac
thn we ate ler..(novyy n jingyi help me buy water)THX
thn i folo xinyue go bac sku..
choir was so sian lor..nthg der lor..sing sing sing
hahs my birthdae nex ler..thn nelson der..thn carmen tan der..thn tink is parry der thn isabelle de^^
hahs lol march is lyk so dam rock larh
ppl my birthdae mus gif present hor^^
anw tmr no project ler
me ql n zaf sick so cnt
hahs thn tmr my uncle go china ler thn he lend his car to my father
tink my father cn drive me to sku nex wk<
so happi^^
Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 7:47 pm
tis is gonna b a short 1
i stil duin hmewrk so siian
anw, jasper gt stead as in the sec 3 jasper
hahs omg larh
stead wif my junior(my gan mei)
so sudden lor
i jus found out frm her PM
well anw..the korean show dunoe wad dog n wolf der
actor:lee joon ji (dunoe hw spell)
yar show is so nice larh
so touching so sad so much action
make me so jin zhang
i was the oni 1 jumping up n dwn my mather sae i siao
no choice lor
so nice n sad
til i was the oni 1 crying..
lol my mather no longer sensitive ler
nw i most sebsitive>.<
siian nice nice nice
but veri sad sad sad lor
TT i stil cn rmb tose scenes lor
its so hard to forgt..
so hartbreaking
the female actress veri chio>.<
its nice..
dun forgt to catch my girl on chn U
hahs he oso gt act..
well okae i noe its nt my type bt it jus nice hahs
Thursday, February 21, 2008 @ 6:32 pm
so tiring..i tio another punishment by HYME>.<
aiya i dunoe larh..owaes lyk tt de lor..he scld me thn aft tt i cry..
yy lehh? cuz i copy history in his clas..lyk tt niia..
i was listening oso marh..he was lyk yarh..ryte bt whn i sae sumthg important u wun catch it..
okae fault larh..i dunoe i oso can ask me tuition cher mah..cuz i confirm dunoe der..
cor hyme ask hyme lyk ask wall lyk tt..nid shout thn cn hear.
lyk tt waste my voice..i stil nid sing de lor
its nt lyk i so free lyk tt..lyk tt mit as wel all ask my tuition cher ryte?
he tok so clear thn dunid to scream lyk shit to cor hyme..
okae lor..its my fault larh i noe but i nid to kep my self a wake marh..if nt i wil slp der lor
he lyk casting spell lyk tt marh..tok til so nt nice hu wan listen siia
no 1 in the class listening lor
all oni hear abit here n there tt 2e5 marh
no 1 bothers actuali none of us regard hyme as our form cher..
"show me respect i m yr form cher" i kep quiet whn he sclded me
i duwanna argue wif hyme>.<
**ppl dun argue wif hyme..dun hate hyme either..dun waste yr tyme n energy n effort..
@ the end we get into trouble..over wad?
over nthg oni cuz of hyme..waste of my face>.<
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 @ 4:54 pm
hahs..sci paper nt veri hard larh bt hor i noe last question the graph de i rong>.<
aiya i dunoe nid bes fitted line marh
cher sae wad common sense marh
of cuz is bes fitted..
lyk tt okae lor
we no common sense lor
he happi happi cor us wad he wan
thn we cnt sae hyme..
thn owaes face black black..
siian liao
jus c his face oreadi duwan study ler
everityme nt happi cum clas..
face so black hu wan listen larh
everityme sae detention..
pls lor
use so mani tymes ler detention thn detention lor
lyk tt oso dunoe..
nvm suan ler
tmr chn..
siao liao lor,hope will okae
hahs..i dun haf much to sae ler..
dunoe yy oya todae nv saw god'lyk person..
hope he wun fail ler>.<
hahs LAME!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 @ 10:57 pm
stupid larhh.. owaes take our lesson cuz free..
okae 5 periods of sci lehh..
hw to tahan siia
okae nvm larh cuz tmr gt sci common test..
thn hor alot of ppl slp whn he teach lyk the last 2 periods cuz no 1 bother
thn hor he go out scld ppl thn novyy lock hyme out
(class demand)
hahs thn ryte he bang the door sae open th jialat go open
thn he ask hu lock novyy gt amit lor
thn he ask yy she sae of cuz lock larh thn open mehh?
thn he nthg to sae>.<
so funi lor..
aiya so sad for xinyue..
hope she okae barh..
suspended for council for 1 wk..nvm de larhh
i heard abt sumthg worst so cheer up..
nthg to sae ler
Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 5:56 pm
novyy n qiulin read the bottom post hor>.<
carmen thx for taging ai si ni
i gt anithg sure tell u der!
u oso okae?
haiix jus came hme frm popo hse
siian ji bua..
i slpt half an hr thn woke up cuz my small cuzon cum
he so cute lor hahs
veri long nv c hyme ler he grow taller ler
i nv saw the brother cuz he go temple
siian i oso nv c hyme veri long ler
the bro tis yr 8 ys old
nthg much happen tink i wun eat dinner ate alots @ lunch..
okae to me its alot hahs
dunnoe wad to sae lerhh hahs
Saturday, February 16, 2008 @ 10:23 pm
helo ppl!
i dunoe wads into me now..
i feel so empty n meaningless..
i haf forgotten how to feel happi or sad..
i feel..numb
i feel lyk a fool haiix
its okae..@ least i underst tt almost al guys r jerks..
lesson learnt..hope nt to repeat tt mistake>.< birthdae cumin soon!!
so xcited..
wonder wad ppl wil gif me<3
i miss my long lost brother: jasper ang qiao feng..
aiya..he lyk disappear to nowhr ler..
i so sad lor..hahs
thn my fone abit siao 1 lor
nid to bend the wire thn cn let thgs to tranfer to com..
so bao li lor..>.<
isabelle goin gif me vdae present on mondae<3>
i wonder wads it!
my sis buy me present ler..
hahs she buy me a book on feilunhai..
hahs $20 lehh she so gd sumtymes..
u noe wad kexin cor fei lun hai?
she sae fei lun hai is fly wheel ocean>.<
hahs my senior all so cute lor
lyk jana xinyue n kexin all so cute hahs
thy oso veri gd lor
benson n benjamine r gd seniors oso
but compare hor..
i tink benjamine beta
cuz he veri quiet wun argue wif me>.<
hahs..choir is oni fun wif tose ppl..
if not,everithg jus simply is lyk shit
nex wk common test..i ask ms tan abt the paper durin choir
she sae the paper no summary but the compre she du veri hard
she sae she wil kil us on the compre
cuz she sae beta kil now thn kil durin mid year hahs
hope we all cn du well<3
my father went for dinner so i dunid to argue to use com^^ hahs
cuz i let hyme use in the morning thn i gt nthg to du so i go du cross stiching>.<
i put thr since last year i stil @ begining of winnie the pooh the head oni>.<
hahs so lao ya hor?
ya i noe..
my but stil pain lor..
stupid melody..
i m sure to take revenge one dae!
melody u watch out hor..
novyy:dun tink too much..
dun belief everithg..
whn u noe its hard to beleif..
whn its too hard to control..
whn everithg is broken..
whn u cry..
cry it out
it wil hurt alot bt it wil b okae soon..
feel lyk crying? jus cry dun b too hard on yrself..
nthg wil wrk tt wae..
i reali hope all wil b gd..
its sad to,veri sad
haf us crying over sum1 hu we doesnt even noe wads goin in thier head
its easy to get hurt..veri easy
i hope we culd return to whn evrithg haf nt started @ all
to the begining haiix..
b happi<3>
dun try too hard..
whn u r tired u cn stop
even if it take half of yr life..
even if it hurt lyk getting burnt in hell
its nt worth all wad u haf done for hyme..
i m nt hurting u or anithg
i reali duwan u to hurt yrself..
its nt worth anithg
he doesnt chng..
its hartbreaking..
i noe tt..everithg he saes u wil rmb
u wil rmb thm clearli
everithg he had done wif u/for u ,
all in yr hart..
bt it reali is nt abt tis..
its abt u..du u feel okae?
u mus b happi..we mus b..
even if it kil us..
we haf to b happi even if we vanish
for now jus dun tink too much^^
carmen (tan):
is everithg fine?
hows the route of recovery?
is evrithg goin ryte?
dun wrk yrself too much..
thgs dun go our wae..
life is lyk tis..
dun gt emo lerh okae?
its nt worth emoing whn it wun help much
i hope u wil recover soon..
i m trying to..veri tiring
i duwan ani1 to feel the same as me..
abt the *ehem* thgyy
u gt sms her bac?
i feel so sad..
i hope u will du fine in yr hart<3
if thgs r nt ryte u stil haf us..
u noe it!
thgs will b okae soon..
Friday, February 15, 2008 @ 10:10 pm
i emoing now..feel lyk crying
i dunoe wads wif me now..
i feel so emo
i dunoe yy?
wads the point ...
i hate you! hu ever u r..
yst was valantines dae..
yar n we went to chinatown heritage center to spend the dae..>.<
pathetic lor
the 2nd flor so dark(veri creepy thy show u al the rooms of hw last tyme ppl live)
thn so dark larh
thn got noise sumore(thy put speakers to let u listen to last tyme ppl convo)
so freaky lor i was so scared tt i use the WS to cover my mouth larh
thn we were lyk walking in deeper larh..
thn hor i dun reali dare cuz i reali scared
thn sudenli zubair tap me by the shoulder n shouted"BOO!"
we screamed cuz he scared us by booing!
but i screamed the loudest larh
its lyk he tap on me i jump up sumore lor
pls larh tt place make my hair stand lor
thn took sum photos of us<3
in sku i gave lolipops to most of the ppl i noe
i nv gif al larh cuz i dun tink enough
hahs so happi cuz i gt gif ppl..
todae nthg much larh
geog marks were nt bad..
thn aft go remidial wif novyy n melody wif mr chee
wahh he totali diff sia
so sacarstic lor
so i oso sacarstic
thn he sae"vivien u veri sacarstic leh"
i sae i learn frm hyme de>.<
he veri funi to d-siao lor
i spend most of the tyme laughing larh
bt hor cn u blief it!
he haf been teaching for 15 years..
he sae he older thn 35 lehh>.<
previous sku northern light
hahs..he kep sae u dun disturb me larh
thn i kep laugh
thn he sae sumore nt lyk cher wil sae de thgs
lyk wad..u blind arh? yr head..etc.
all tt thn i sae
wahh u r the first cher to sae tose thgs to us lehh
hahs lol..haiix sian diao
i dunoe wad else to sae lehh..
i bought the fei lun hai album der gai ban<3
so happi lor^^
i watch the MV ler all so cute larh^^
esp. yan ya lun lor
so cute^^
i wil post up the photos:
chinatown heritage center
me n novyy gf outside heritage center

me n melody meii outside heritage center

me n zaini k0r(tt melody n novyy der hands)

novyy gf n me in the bus!!on the wae bac to sku

another 1 hahs we veri long nv take pics lerh^^

2/5 of our frenship ring given by sharon tt dae<3

melody worrx,i lyk tis lor i so por larh so funi lor

hoho! zubair i oso lyk tis cuz its so candit hahs

the big big big ferries wheel novyy sae the first rnd is tt nite tt dae

bt so x lor..mus b for rich ppl der
happines dun last long..
sadness too..
i feel stupid haiix
on the route of recovering
Monday, February 11, 2008 @ 4:14 pm
thy nv angry wif me ler^^
i sososo happi
thx guys!~thx for nt angrying ler
todae..its quiet okae
veri happi wif myself..
i didnt entertain mr chee wif nonsense!~
i make my life easier
i dont wanna quarrel wif hyme oso
so tiring der..
o gave mr tan the letter ler
anw,nelson letter veri funi lor
super funi hahs
so sian the whole dae..
nthg der lor..
i wanna buy the fahranheit gan ban soon^^
so xcited
nn i haven tink of wad to buy for the gagas!~OMG!
how how how?
i dunoe wad to buy lor
totali dunoe
my toe so pain lor
i wore new sku shoes to sku
the shoe bite my toe! so pain larh
hahs bt nvm larh
all new shoe is lyk tt der
todae went hme quiet earli
cuz thy gt volley so i went hme first
tok bus wif tiffany(senior)
she nt goin choir tmr..
gt wad bio mock test thn aft tt gt debate prac
haiix..nvm tmr..
i dunoe leh
i feel so sian lor nw a daes the choir
i dun lyk Mrs sasarak lehh
i dunoe yy
alot of ppl lyk her
bt i prefer lyk a teacher lyk stricter whn on singing
she is okae jus tt she is much of a preformer
okae to make it easier..
i prefer Ms lye(omg i forgt hw to spel her name)
hw lehh so sian lor i oso dunoe leh
Sunday, February 10, 2008 @ 11:44 pm
hahs..i hope tmr i wun cry..
i so scared to face thm lor..
haiixx..i wun ryte negative thgs abt mr chee ler..
i tot it trough..ltr he noe ler gif me offence slip..
came bac awhile ago frm uncle vincent hse..
(my father's fren)
went thr..
almost evri1 thy noe..y?
all maplers..thn thy gt owaes go out on outings.
gt 1 guy frm ploy der larh
thn abt my height..
but thn he quiet nt bad luking lor..
i notice hyme since last year
poly lehh
my height lyk tt..
hahs..i jus found out tt he buddish n cnt eat beef n dun lyk to oso..
hahs wow! lol
okae larh he is okae bt i dun reali bother..
wel..the pass few daes went to visit ppl
its so cool
get to c almost al my cuzons<3
so long nv c thn ler lor last tyme in the olden daes we closer lor
i so sad nw larh..
its lyk last tyme we closer thn more fun thn i so huai nian
haiixx..dunoe wad to sae ler..
haiix..ya i noe..its new year
new year is okae..i tried to put tose stupid unhappi stuff aside for awhile
but i doesnt help..i wil owaes pop n appear in my mind
i wil owaes ask:wil Mr chee tel my parents?
thn ltr i wil tink:me gave us 3 choices so i pick tt n he wuld nt cor
bt thn the same question wil pop out agn..
i wil nid to kep reassuring myself..
i hate it! its new year..cher tel me ler stil sae: A! vivien,enjoy yr new year hor
he was teling me whn i was sobbing..
yar new year
wif all tt stress..
i stil wil haf tis : are thy stil angry wif me?
:i oni gt replys frm hakeem n malcolm..(i cnt sms zubair(no fone))
thn ltr:hakeem lyk nt reali angry wif me..malcolm oso..
okae i wil tink lyk tt
but thn i wil oso tink lyk tt
:thy shuld b angry..its my fault acording to thm..
so its my fault n thy r stil angry
yar so all tis haf been floding my mind since new year eve n til now..
its stil killing me..
but i noe its nt ALL my fault..
how wuld i noe..
haiix..but ppl hu noe me wil noe i care more abt ppl's feeling thn mine..
i owaes wil tink for thm first..iwun tink for myself..
tts i wuld kep tinkin it tis wae oso nt my fault..
i was lyk tis since young..
hweva,aft tis incident,it motivates me to study harder..
it puts me to a tinking tt studying is nt veri hard if u want to
so frm nw i wil study hard! veri hard..
its jus tt i dont noe hw to face thm oreadi...
i m so afraid tt thy wuld nt tok to me or b frens wif me animore..
tis is sickening
i m so tired over all tis i nearli pass out ystd..
haiix..hope all wuld end well..
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 @ 6:38 pm
yalarh..all my fault..
i jus post thn all my fault..
okae nvm lor
mr tan,if u r reading tis.
i wanna sae tt
if tis is my blog.its the oni place whr i can vent out my anger
n scld ppl hu i duwan to i sku
if tis is oso restrictied,
thn m i to bottle up everithg?
n ltr go into IMH?
i noe it offensif but tts wad i m reali tinking
i cnt du tis cnt du tt in sku..
thn wad?
we jus study no fun..
nw although hakeem lyk nt angry ler..
bt zubair n malcolm lehh?
its stil my fault marh..
thn yy shld i cry whn nt all is my fault?
yy?if oni i didnt post..
bt i tot u knew thy did it b4 i posted..
tis is sick..
wadeva lorhh..
i m speechless..
Tuesday, February 05, 2008 @ 10:09 pm
nw bac hme ler
todae,novyy melody qiulin go TP
left me alone agnT.T
owaes lyk tt de lor..
so sad..
novyy nearli cnt go lehh
cuz hor she haven du her Eng CA
cuz everityme gt eng lesson she wil nid to go TP n plae match
thn todae the closing ceremony so nid go
thn is lyk ms tan dun let her go
sae wad finish ler thn go
thn novyy nearli cry lehh
her eyes red red ler
so me rat rice ql melody i tink stil gt sumore ppl help tok to ms tan
thn ms tan let novyy go
bt thn sae wad tmr she nid folo her everiwhr she go >.<
bt its okae larh
@ least she cn go closing ceremony^^
well anw..
choir is nt veri gd todae..
sang til my throat nearli burst..><
bt no choice lor..
hahs sharon went to the SOP1 ler
so li hai lor
frm AUTO to SOP
siao li haii lorr
nthg much ler^^
finali tyme to blog
nw in sku com lab>.<
sundae cnt use com..
cuz i was lyk duin sring cleaning the moment i woke up..
so ke lian lor
thn nite tyme chiong hmewrk..
cnt finish oso..
so bo bian lor
ystd..cnt use oso..
aft sku went out til nite tyme thn cum bac hme..
so tired lor
i oso mis my show larhT.T
i lyk so mani daes nv watch ler lor
so lei larh
thn rch hme stil nid du hmewrk..
wan my life lor
nw in com lab..
actuali nid to du lite der wrk de.
bt jus pop by to post awhile lor..
incase no 1 tags..
@ least my blog's alife..
so sad larh
no 1 bother to tag on my blog!
Saturday, February 02, 2008 @ 10:31 pm
bac! so tired
omg larhh
bugis st soooooo mani ppl
wan die ler
todae was great
i was shopping-ing wif my mather
whn i saw novyy n sharon x33
thn we shop tgt wif my mather n nai nai
novyy headache lor >.<
thn we bought clothes tgt^^
hahs thn shop shop saw cassandra xd
i was lyk shock larhh
anw hor
she bought so mani clothes larh
hahs..she was wif her frens
thn nt sae veri long i saw xin ci (senior)
i tot she wrking thr so i ask her if she wrking thr..
she saw no larh,she waititng for her mather..LOL..
stupid me xDD
thn we were foloing my mather walk veri infront
stupid sharon>.<
she tok on the fone thn lost my mather..
thn we gt lost..
i cor cor cor
duwan ans my cor D<
so feddup
bt finali cor bac..thn we go find thm
sharon: nex tyme dun tok n lead larh
make us lost for no reason!
thn hor we go same shop buy shirt before getting lost
i bought brown
...OMG i gt stm..>.<
i suddenli forgt wad colour thy buy..
sry novyy n sharon
thn i buy green little miss naughty shirt>.<
thn my sis buy blue little miss twin shirt..
thn aft awhile novyy n sharon went off..
thn aft tt we shop shop sumore
thn went to eat..
guess wad..
i saw wendy (senior)thr
she wrk actuali
i so shocl lor
thn i cor her thn she tel me she xia dao
eat baked rice..
actuali i m counting death
hahs i eat all tose thg tt wil hurt my throat lor
thn aft went bac to TM
thn went thr shop lor
thn aft tt i saw ms ching x0
i so shock larh
thn i was lyk greeting her (nodding my head)
thn she smile @ me T.T
scare me lor hahs!
thn pei my father eat..
thn i saw michelle n shi hui
so lei lor
wan to slp ler..
xin yue is stil proposing to let us wear hme clothes to sku
so xcited..
hope cn lor..
thn aft shopping
went hme..n nw..
i m typing hahs
ystd actuali wan use @ nite der
bt thn hor rch hme abt 11 plus
so dam tired
so rch hme chng ler thn straight go slp ler
so nv post lor
bt oso nt much happen ystd
the maths test ystd sure fail der so hard lor
c oreadi siian liao
thn ystd morning stomachache
siian lor dunoe hw mani tyme stomachache ler lor
stupid stomach thn tis morning oso>.<
aiya i tink i goin die ler
my mather wan me c doctor
bt i duwan
anw. ltr wil b goin out^^
tink go bugis st barhh
du sum new year last min shopping^^
nid buy for novyy sumthg
so hungry lor..haven eat yet
bt mather nagging blah blah blah nw..
nthg to sae lerh
if cn post ltr thn continue