Monday, December 01, 2008 @ 6:26 pm
ohmymama~my butt so pain larhh.
i just came back for class picnic..
okay sort of picnic=.=
cuz we play alot rather thn eat alot.
i fell dwn..lyk twice.
once was thx to my stupid bike.
the sit so hard larhh..walao my butt got blue black lerh lorh
thn nvm..the gear sucks.
but mine not bad lerh. not lyk the boys' bikes
the gear all fall out.
thn nvm i swop with belle.=D
but her bike also very scary.
lyk the paddle will suddenly jump up n get loose.
but better thn mine=X
thn nvm i was lyk going dwn tis stupid slope..
thn i fall dwn..over F2L's bike.
cuz he also fall dwn thr. i just ram OVER his bike not hyme.
well almost everyone ram everyone at the slope.
but i guessed only i fall..mayb F2L also larhh.
well okay nvm..i got blue black on my toe..
thn brama stil wan me to cycle..he say if not he will ram me or sumthg
but aiya he's being nice larh. thn he keep say trust hyme.
ask me hold on to his bike..he wont let me fall.
i refused=.= cuz i cant even trust myself..n my biking skills.
i dont wan to "all fall dwn tgt=.="
okay thn we finally got rid of those stupid bikes.
instead we rented blades=.=
okay i was suppose to b good at it.
but i dont knw..mayb i lyked ECP more thn PRP
so i just suck at blading tdy.>.<
okay...thn i was blading whn brama..said to hold on to hyme so he cn drag me.
it was okay in the begining..but now..
the stupid slope(another slope) came=.=
thn i was holding on to hyme..
i c the slope i was lyk OMG! i'm gonna fall=.=
thn qiulin also fall cuz she cant stp herself n her "booster" was isabelle
so we both had a "booster"
thn malcolm thy all were sort of blocking so qiulin fall infront of thm..
i saw her falling..i was lyk i'm gonna fall!~
brama say u press on to my arm .. but i stil cant slow dwn=.=
so i fell on my butt...stupid me..
so now i feel paralysed=.=
so aft tt arnd 4 plus..mainey n rice came.
lol mainey took my blades cuz i'm tired n clarice wore zaini's
well mainey had totally no prob controlling herself.
(she said she havent blade for a year=.=)
hahs so rice got "forced" n tried on the blades.
lol i got to coach her for very long thn mainey took over.
hahs! i tink i'm a better coach thn a blader=.=
lol tts all went out to take bus 3 with qiulin n zaini
thn sae eileen on the bus=D lol hahs
yeahh n now i'm home<3