Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 8:20 pm
hahs u can guess hu is it for larhh ^^ yeahh
well ystd i went out wif the 2 ppl above..n i spend alot
yarhh on food lorhh
olive larhh she seriousli noe hw to siiah.
eat so much lehh frm we eat the shudoku @ city hall thr
thn she continue her eating spree to dunoe eat wad larhh..
bt the worst thg is she nv grow fat larhh=.=
make sidney n me envy lyk siiao..
thn we went to otaku hse!! i was lyk AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
omg larhh saving in progress lorhh
i m so goin to buy the dam uni lorhh i'm half wae trugh!
anw bac to olive.
did i mention her kiddy-ness..
balloon!!yarhh tts wad she was lyk hahs
we were lyk OMG...
hahs bt nvm she veri funi she kep sae wan b bimbo thn duni study
hahs lyk okae..hahs thn she n sidney kep make each other fall dwn
hahs olive fall @ macs larhh cuz sidney make her fall dwn
everi1 staring @ thy 2 can..
i was laughing all the wae larhh
thn olive nid go lerhh TT hahs
thn me n sidney go walk to find my parents thn walk wif my parents tgt wif me
thn i go city hall robinsons.
i saw wen cai! omg
actuali is he cor me frm above..=.=
okae lorhh i was lyk toking to sidney can thn suddenly i hear"hello vivien"
thn i feel lyk the voice is frm above..thn i look up.
thn he was lyk looking @ me..
okae larhh i hate to admit larhh but he effing tall larhh lyk 1 head taller thn me larhh
i was lyk shocked..
hahs he dam dark oso okae larhh tanned can?
lol thn aft tt i nid to leave sidney @ city hall cuz my parents wan go TM
TT sry she nid to wait for sum1..anw yarhh
so i went tmr..thn my father du last min shopping cuz he goin oversea tdy
lyk tis morning larhh hahs.
thn tis morning was lyk "BOOMBRAHHH~shhhhhhhh"
thn tis morning was lyk "BOOMBRAHHH~shhhhhhhh"
yarhh lorh raining lyk tt i was dam cold..
hahs thn i kena forced to go out..
i nid buy stuff for cher dae.. thn was lyk raining larhh
kns..lazy larhh hahs nvm larhh i lazy tok abt tdy lorhh
anw nw i infront of the com larhh..tmr gt sku=.=
siian nvm goin holi lerhh bt thn its bull shit cuz stil haf choir.