i was having a little bit of a diff type of feel todae compared to ani others..
todae made me feel abit diff..
i dont noe yy..i was nt sad..nt happi..
bt empty..bt nt in a bad wae though
its make me feel nthg hahs
lol anw..chinese n AC was nthg
maths was OMG
hahs we go air con agn..
cher was late though hahs
bt we r happi to haf 4 periods of maths hahs
cuz we haf great environment..
actuali aft 2 perriods we goin bac der
thn mdm lim stil taking thm so we were lyk nt sure if wan go library agn
the boys went to check on so aft awhile we folowed..
lol whn we want to turn to walk to the left to lthe library
malcolm appeared..lol u cnt belife..
i asked hyme if gt cher thr stil he sae haf thn suddenli he bend dwn..
lyk sumthg poke into his stomach lyk tt..
thn walk sumore larry was kneeling dwn
thn i ask wad happen
hahs so funi thy sae thy run..
lol malcolm turn tt tyme skid off..
thn larry cnt stop in tyme so trip over hyme..
which causes hyme to topple over malcolm hu was lying flat on the flr..
hahs so funi larh
larry topple over malcolm== hahs
malcolm was coplaining sae wad his dick pain== hahs lol
bt thn horhh his blue black dam big arhh..
both arms n legs..
larry is the arm n leg if i nt rong..
thn aft maths thy went to check..(malcolm sae he nid check cuz pain)
lol okae thn cum larry cum bac tel me sae wad malcolm gt bleed== hahs
i laugh siia so bodoh larh topple fall bleed
bt c the blue black veri yan zhong lorhh
to larry:go apply oilment or sumthg..it wil b beta
to malcolm:go n put oilment larhh bt yrs more worst so cn ask yr mather help u lyk hw to sae..
urm make the clock blood flow urmm.. lyk "tui na".. i dunoe if u underst wad i typing lol nvm
anw jus hope u guys the bruses wil b okae hahs
dun ltr bcum bai ka or sumthg
oyahh i tel rachel i wil blog tis
rachel have seriouse mood swings!!!
hahs i jus rote it..
shermiane promise u wan go put derh horhh
dun bluff me horhh
nn clarice..(xin ku ni le)
hahs hu ask u so suai..
hahs anw whn u sit arnd my place..
u wil bcum BHB ppl lorhh
lyk me n shermiane..all tio polution frm the folowing:
rizky isabelle clarice malcolm..
thy r the kings n queens of BHBness larhh hahs
clarice melody novyy shermiane haf oral todae..
hahs lol heard frm melody sae veri hard..
abt wad campus superstar der hahhs
heng we take @ wed hahs
haven du maths hmewrk yet..
ms tan todae nv cum (sad)
lol hengle thx for tt drawin..lol its nice..
ty shermaine for helping me pass the present to yr fatty pig(black nose) tt evil potato
hahs lol thx arh..IOU
ps shuld nt b me..shuld b isabelle own me..
bt IOU so she own me = IOU okae?
so u wan anithg request ask frm her hahs!
novyy todae happi lorhh melody oso barh...nt sure cuz thy sit @ the other end of the clas.
hahs omg i nearli forgt..
chinese cher chng our sits lorhh
i sit wif sidney^^ hahs
behind is shermaine n novyy
infront is xinyi n rachel
we sit @ the bac larh..hahs
the 2 ppl @ the bac laughing n drwing
me n sidney simply jus gt bored to death..
rachel n xinyi..nt a sound @ all
i dunoe wad thy feel
hahs..siann arhh..i actuali wan go shermiane hse lorhh
bt thn aft tt lazy hahs
sad sad sad.
ltr watch yu le bai fen bai muahahahha
thy were here to du lit larh..
did quite alot hahs..veri siian siia
dunoe wad to du..haiix..
hahs..izit meaningful to lead a life?
hahs..emoing..lol okae snap out of it!
boring lorhh..i dunoe wad to sae lehh..
tink wil take test thn chng blog skin?
mayb i lazy larhh..
tmr go bac sku..WTF
haiix..i m so bored larhh
i dun lyk to b bored,cuz i wil emo
whn i emo i sae thgs in a veri sendimental wae..
lyk..its easy to lurve hard to admit even harder to let go
or everithg u r everithg i m nt..
haiix..tyme changes thgs..
u c wad i mean?
i dont even speak tt whn i m normal
whn i gt all emotional..i m such a geniuse in saeing all tis..
i m nt as strong as novyy..i m veri soft harted..
veri veri..a crack in the hart n my soul is gone
u look in to my eyes..its lifeless..empty
jus empty..its hw i feel empty
hahs..live is a game..hw funi..
fate is plaeing wif us..wif our feeling..
hahs..fate is plaeing on us..fate u r unpredictable
u r merciless..bt i cnt blame u, i jus hope u wun plae wif my hart animore..
if it gets emptier..my soul wil fly..i wun b me no more
i wil b a walking body..@ yr command..
once broken..nt put bac agn..jus lyk humpti-dumpti
i mis my oldself..i mis bing carefree..i mis me..
nw i m ful wif stress n thgs tt i dun wanna b in
nw i jus wish fate wil let me go..let me off..
i want to b lurved..i want to b happi hahs..
stop making me feel sad..stop making me feel irritated..
jus stop.. dun leave me emoing..i wil cry..
spare a tot for me lyk wad i owaes du for others..
wif family lorhh duhh
hahs saw 3 super chio bu lorhh
hahs carmen leong joy n lisa..
hahs lol chiio lorhh hahs
thy sae thy go shopping cc hahs
lol i bought march der PLAY mag^^ hahs
happi bt i haven read yet
lol my mather rented alvin n the chipmunks
jus watch finish
its quite nice lorhh
hahs i lyk the teardor hahs i dunoe hw spell larh
bt he dam cute larhh
so round round der lyk me =X
hahs so cute lorhh (lyk me)
hahs lol BHB i duwan end up bing so bu yao lian
hahs oyah!
jasper ang smsed me lorh!~
auto siia
i was lyk giving up on sms-ing hyme lerh
thn he sms me^^ hahs
lol..bt oni lyk awhile aft tt he vanished agn..
lol hu cares..
nw i gt another brother hu shall entertain me^^
hahs joseph volunter der
hahs he sae gt anithg sms hyme cn lerhh
hahs..i dunoe tmr cn use anot cuz tmr
novyy melody xinyi n zaf cuming my hse du porject<3 hahs
novyy n melody cum first
thn xinyi cum thn zaf.
cuz we met 10.30 thn xinyi haf tuition so she go my hse @ lyk arnd 11
zaf haf classes so she cum my hse @ arnd 2 sumthg?
nt sure hahs..haiix
i dont noe wad to sae..
you know he had changed..so do i..
when you know he changed..you feel that its odd..
maybe its just that we like his old self..
however,if you know who i am referring to
you will agree that he had changed..
its just odd but true..
he had changed into someone i dont know
someone unfamiliar:a stranger
a total different character,a total new person
we are strangers..i know we all change as time pass..
but his is just to fast.
i dont want to be strangers..
but maybe we should..
maybe its better for him to change..
just maybe..
but i still am use to his old self..
hahs..i am crazy..i am
nt bad a dae larhh actualii
nthg much happen^^
plaed the game first tyme in my life!!
wow!it quite fun bt some r true..
some r nt lehh..dunoe lehh bt i duwan go 3e4 lehh>.<
so sad lorhh
nvm i shall chng the truth! muahahahaha!
lol anw,i lurve maths tdy!
clas is divided into 2!
i grp A so go wif ms chong to library to study!~
yay~no mdm lim!!
haf air con sumore lehh
hahs..i prefer ms chong tech cuz i underst beta
lol so happi she sae we studying tis wae frm nw on lol!!!
happi happi happi!
nn finalli!hakeem take pic wif me lyk he promised!
lol wil post it ltr..nt nw..tis com cnt
nid the other 1 thn cn
eating chips nw..
lol hungry larh bt anw choir was fun!
haf new song! quite nice
benjamine n benson r 2 sacarstic ppl siia
benson sae:veri heavy horh?(cuz we moving the chairs)
walao kns larh he..he noe heavy stil nv help!
the benjamine sae:wahh..u veri helpful lehh..
i sae duhh i owase m der..
hahs..bt benjamine haf help bring in the chairs lorhh
stupid benson! xing zai le huo!
..went to sku..iwasnt late(waited for novy)
thn went in chatted..du sum wrk ttwe dunoe hw du..
okae thn urmm went to assemble?
mdm lim check my file..sae nv finish
so gif ezlink card stay bac ltr..
lol(i nt scared larh)
thn we(me isabelle mainey clarice)
complain complain complain lorhh
hahs i sae until i veri angry lorhh..
lol anw..sitting thr was fun lorhh
thn no art..do mdm lim the maths..
lol thn hist ca..walao
i anihw try n du lorhh
tink wun pass or sumthg
lol thy(novyy n melody)
plae spirit game.
thy cor the spirit and ask question..
i oso haf ask^^lol
sad lorhh i ask if we wil go same clas..
(as in me novyy n melody) the spirit sae no lehh
thn i ask if our class wil du wel for xam anot..
the spirit sae no oso lorhh
thn i ask if i will pass al my sub thn the spirit sae no lehhTT
i wan cry lerhh larhh..i shuld haf also ask if i wil go sec 3 express nex year..
walao so sad lorhh hw lehh?
aiyah dunoe larh.. bt thn novyy sae cnt trust it
cuz thy ask if mdm lim todae wil teach us even if no maths..
thn the spirit sae no..bt @ the end..she gt cum..
hahs thn lyk walao so funi larhh
lol thn aft sku go fing mdm lim..walao
she sae i nv finish walao thn i nid stand thr n du
thn rch hme 4 lyk tt..thn nw post thn ltr bath thn watch my TV!!
oyah!!n hengle..u watch out
hahs tis morning was shocking..
i mis the bus agn!!!
walao nvm @ least nt late..
okae thn ryte novy showed me some news..
(great news to me i tot it wil b to her)
lol anw,sku was nthg..
wads horrible is aft sku!~
lol okae larh oral was okae lorhh
bt thn some words dunoe hw to read..
lol..bt shuld b gt pass barhh..
hahs(i feel a little confident)
anw..clarice wan go take hist stuff
thn we go up to our blk thr..
OMG! upper sec oral thr..(didnt noe)
okae nvm bt we stil dunoe we stupid..
go in class take thgs(i pei her)
thn horh went in..haf seniors bt nv sae anithg
thn haiix..
the worst..
gt caught by Mrs sum (if i nt rong)
well anw, we didnt mean it
she sae we r nt surpose to b thr..
haiix sad siia
thn i n clarice apologise alot lorhh
lyk kep apologising
thn horh timothy pop out..thn end up we 3 haf to ryte name
okae nvm i sae ryte thn ryte lorh
i oso (we oso) nv du anithg rong..
we oni dunoe marhh..
tink mostly thy cn du is detention cor parents or sumthg?
bt i oreadi tel my mather
my mather was lyk..:u dunoe marhh nvm larh gt apologise cn ler
lol yarh tts wad she sae..she owaes comfort me der
so i wun cry larh
i veri easy cry der
lol okae thn we went to the canteen
lol some of 2E5 ppl r thr
thn we seat dwn n tok tok
hahs thn clarice bian tai
she found out sumthg tt i didnt even reali wil realise
thn walao i laugh lyk crazy lorhh
lol its confidential
hahs Xp
thn we wait for lyk huever thy wan thn we go KFC..
hahs so the thy is:isabelle clarice sidney me junhao larry khairul malcolm.
yarh 4 guys 4 gurls..
lol thn walao dam fun lorhh
hahs funni^^
is veri entertaining to go out wif thm^^
shuld go out more^^
lol yarh anw
we went to KFC n saw the folowing:qiulin victoria rachel xinyi
lol we were lyk wow..
hahs okae thn we go thr study
okae lets sae..
i n sidney duing hist..(i tink)
isabelle n clarice n larry n junhao duing art (i tink)
thn khairul i nt sure
malcolm duing sci..
walao i nw gt thgs to complian!!~
walao cnt ta han siia
he bcame as BHB as rizky lorhh..
mus b shifu n tudi
lol walao dunoe hw he bcum lyk tt..
muz b aft kana influence by our class horrible guys environment..
lol hu care lol..
i dunoe wad else..
i went hme..
woahh~i so happi lorhh
dam long nv c hyme lerh
anw he oso rmb me
thn on bus i look @ hyme thn he tel me: he grew taller
hahs i sae reali arh
thn he was lyk yarh..
hahs now to tink of it..i mis my pri sku classmates..
haiix..shihui michelle jolene eileen joey huixiu tauhidah nadia wendy winnifred natalie jiafang lydia linsay yuwen clement sean JJ glen jekee darren henry i tink stil haf sumore bb i miss tis ppl more:
shihui michelle jolene eileen huixiu joey sean clement JJ glen<3
i so miss thm larhh
hahs my hao brother hao sister^^
omg!! i cnt rmb the date larhh..i cn rmb abit..bt dates i cnt lyk wad british ruled spore frm whn to whn..thn japaness occupation is frm whn to whn..whn is the medical sku set up..whn is straits settlement known as the crown colony, whn is the chinese protectorate formed..all the dates!!DAM IT~~
lol i last min post cuz i wan complian
walao melody!!
she horh volenter wan du the lite pics..
thn @ the end all i du siia
i find infro n pics lorhh
ask her go die larh!walao
lol weixiong j0r!!mux read!!mus tag!!
hahs mising jasper & HX
hahs .. wan pierce 2 more holes..tragus n ear..
lol dun tink allowed~
lol wil try tink wil cn soon der<3
hahs mr ow catch me jus nw..
he sae i nv tuck in shirt thn okae lorh i tuck in lorhh
thn nails oso..thn take ezlink..
lol ltr c hyme bt dun tink haf detention^^ hope so
haf nthg to du @ all
so sad lorhh walao..
tts yy i haf nthg to post..
since so bored..
okae i go plae maple>.<
lame bt no choice
yeah lol..
stomachache lorhh>.<
pain pain..
lol nvm larh..its okae
watch abit of zhong ji yi jia...
lol hengle is so bo liao lorhh..
nvm duwan argue..
anw,jason if a gd fren..okae lorhh he sae gt anithg cn tel hyme
lol so gd^^ hx thx for letting me noe such a gd fren hahs
lol mis hx lorh..mis jasper ang qiaofeng oso..
he finali cum bac lerh^^
so happi lorhh..
hengle noisy lorhh..lame oso..horny oso..
she sae xinyue blog the pic dam chio wear veri little
so horny lorhh..hahs siia larh i dun haf thgs to tok abt lorhh..
siian arh..
nn horh Ti Amo MV cum out lerhh^^
yan ya lun so cute..cuter thn hengle she tink too much..
i nid gif credit to my junior ARIEL^^
hahs thx junior^^
my record lorh normalli lyk oni once or twice a dae..
lol anywae, i jus gt bac frm white sands shopping centre nt long
lol..i was feeling emo all the wae..
i ate wifout a wrd..odd ryte?
i didnt tok during dinner..
my mather ask me to buy drinks i didint argue..
wow..thn i was nt toking @ all
went to NTUC thn i go buy white chocolates<3 hahs
sweet sweet sweet^^
i lurve chocolates esp. white ones
lol thn guess wad..i saw jin rong lorh
hahs he wear white collar shirt n is big big der lorh
lyk above the knee 20 cm lyk tt
hahs thn wear bamudas(i nt sure the spelling)
lol he was lyk wandering the whole NTUC dunoe luking for wad
he jus walk walk walk
hahs he gt saw me sae hello nt bad
bt i shock to c hyme
to novyy:
dearest gurlfren,
i m so touched by yr wrds..
sry for bing emo..i dunoe yy jus feel tt wae
lol nn i haven felt beta yet
the most important thg is tt u made me cryTT lol
thx anw
i feel odd todae..it feels worst thn ystd..
it jus makes me feel lyk crying..
i dunoe over wad?
wad du i wan to cry over for?
is it cuz i m losing ppl?
izit cuz i feel empty?
izit cuz i m too stressed out?
or izit cuz i dont belong to ani1,anithg,aniwhr..
izit? or wad i tinking too much?
lol i dunoe wads goin on..i dont noe..DONT NOE
i haven cried yet i dunwan to cry yet just yet
mayb later bt nt nw..
i ate breakfast n lunch tgt..haven taken dinner..
bt i feel nothg of a mood to eat..
i jus feel lyk emptying myself..
nt frm wad i noe bt hw i feel..
i wish i was numb @ hart..
i dont wanna feel anithg no pain no guilt no lurve no sadness..
i dont mind losing happiness..its all i wanted bt i haven gt yet..
i wish i culd study wif no stress i cnt feel ani
thn i culd study beta
i jus hope everi1 will b happi..evri1..if everi1 is happi..
i m willing to sacarifice myself for everi1's happiness.
if it was to pay my life..jus take it..
i dont nid a life..
all i nid is the sense of xsitence , the sense of which i noe whr i belong
may b i m desprate..mayb?
i dont noe..bt i hope nt..i jus wanna study..
study jus study..study wif no worrys..
15 mins b4 sku end..
but todae no sku!! GOOD FRIDAE!
i dunoe wad to sae lehh..
i watch 4hrs of zhong ji yi jia ystd^^(my part 2)
hahs..nn horh jasper ang veri gd lehh..
okae larh haihao larh cuz he reply me finali marh
thn he veri gd on MSN ystd
he ryte "if gt anithg sms me"
he oso ask me hw is sku
hahs gd horh
tis k0r k0r nt bad larh jus tt he sumtymes MIA dam long..
wan find hyme u cn bang yr head on the wall
hahs..nw my mather watching the korea show she rented..
is the wad pei yong jun act der wan shi shen sumthg der larh
i cnt rmb n cnt b bothered..
i noe hw pluck in my camera lerh..i ltr wil post the pics^^
nt scary to me lorh ==
okae i m odd larh bt thn i duwan cuz lyk tt lose a fren..
i noe end of the year i m losing 1..
i duwan to lose 2..
haiix..suan lerh..i dont noe larh todae i tink i pass my energy to novyy
she high i nt high i veri sad sad..
number1)stupid jasper ang bully me. i sms hyme nv reply nw reply sae sry sae he bz..
i feel lyk boxing hyme lorh box til he faint arh! so angry
number2) =X its confidencial
number3)dunoe..jus feel nthg
hahs lame..nthg much xciting happened todae..
oni lyk during hist haf..
its lyk we chng cher bcum mr chew (temperaly)
thn cuz we tok tok tok (whispered cuz cher dun let us tok)
thn aft tt melody sae cnt imagine isabelle zilian-ing
thn i n novyy laugh lyk crazy
thn isabelle sae i dunid to zilian i cnt sit infront of the mirror for hours.
thn we laugh lyk hell
thn i sae the mirror will crack
thn isabelle sae of cuz larh WALAO so CUTE!~
hahs we laugh til wan die
novyy sae she goin to post tis
so for the clearer ver. c her blog
cuz i aga is lyk tt
my zhong ji yi jia part 2 cum out lerh
i tel my mather jus nw lerh
she sae she ltr go n c thn go n buy for me
cuz she haven gif me my present
she sae tis is my present thn i waiting for it so long
so finally out lerh i so happi lorh
hahs..bt i stil angry Xd
stupid jasper..!
ystd..i didnt post cuz i cnt use com..lalala~
anw,ystd we go watch step up 2 the streets aft sku
cuz ystd end sku @ 1.15 lyk tt thn we rush thr abt 1.45 thn we watch 1.50 der movie
omg larh its so noce lorh<3
hahs i watch until i feel lyk dancing oso lorh hahs
thn horh tt hengle go n use the drink cap der on top der toy to scare me..
its alien n predator 2 der container
i watching half wae thn xia dao by tt..
she larh kep laughing thn ppl @ the bac kep shh..
dunoe wads so funni to laugh lorh
thn she ask me..u underst wad the show duing?
i n shu hui dun underst..
shu hui wan slp ler lorh thn hengle laugh
novvy sae of cuz she dunoe larh
kep laugh laugh laugh the begining start ler laugh hw to noe..
thn i watch watch((SO NICE)) omg larh
novyy sae the actor is hers..bt i stil mus sae tt her veri shuai..
bt i stil lyk step up 1 der actor..in the show he cor tylor i tink
hahs he dance so kool lorh
cuz he started frm street marh so his street jass..b boy..poping all so lyk fluid veri smooth
thn novyy sae is her's der step up 2 actor is lyk start frm dancing sku
cuz his family rich thn he dance alot of techniques
hahs bt i lyk smooth der so tylor is lyk so kool^^ hahs
bt i lyk the starting whn thy dance in the train @ the subwae
i oso lyk the ending whr thy dance in the rainXP
hahs cuz reali lorh step up 2 der is nice i lyk the dance
ARHHHH~~nice nice
i dont mind watching agn..
i wan ask my mather go rent the disc thn i watch agn^^
nicenicenice..i wan watch yu le bai fen bai ler
so bb^^ go watch xiao zhu n xiao gui dam funi ^^
hahs tis jus nw go TM hahs
thn in the morning go fren** hse
go thr thn hengle thy all watch kungfu dunk^^
i watch secong tyme lerh^^
bt stil veri nice bt hor u watch wif hengle horh u wun feel touched @ the end
cuz horh she kep laugh laugh laugh make u no mood
so nex tyme wan to cry, make sure she nt arnd!
hahs thn horh my dear fren n me cook noodle for thy all to eat ^^
hahs veri fun larh thn we over thr look @ ppl der blog n watch kungfu dunk
lalalala~okae larh thn i nid to go cuz nid go tm^^
thn my parents oso go tm lorh
thn go dating ^^ hahs
thn thy watch spiderwick..2 sumthg der movie
lalala! hahs dating siia..
rare n random^^
thn novyy sae must tell shermain n isabelle tt she mis thm
n mus tel jialat she hate hyme ^^
i hate hyme too!!!!
he bring suae luck
he so suae lorh ltr u read on u wil noe..
he make us suae oso
thn hengle kep sae she veir shuai..
tink too much!~
hahs ..
thn tak bus n mrt to met the foloing:
jialat,jiahui,maisheng,larry,junhao,isabelle n shermain^^
thn zaf n Mr tan oso gt go bt ltr
so rch thr ler i cor jialat, he tel he thy @ TM arcade
so i go met thm thr lorh..
bt thn i rch thr thn thy tell me the movie start so late
walao the movie start 4.20 lorh
thn the guys plae arcade for 2 hrs even til Mr tan cum oso plae
walao thn i kan bu xia qu le so i ask isabelle n shermain to go window shoping
thn we go window shopping cu bac thy stil plaing thn we dunoe go awae cum bac hw mani tyme
=.=" thy all lorh plae plae plae
thn thy plae racing dam funi larh
cuz larry the car kep dentted hahs
thn we kep tel hyme nex tyme we duwan c his car
sit sure die XD
hahs thn jun hao's car looks the safest cuz no dents..
okae nt owaes bt most of the tyme
larry plae racing dam violent larh
he kep wan to ram ppl car=.=
hahs..thn Mr tan cum oso thn watch wif us^^
he wear t-shirt n long pants..
hahs thn his bag gt wrkshts der lehh
thn the movie zaf gt cum^^
actuali she cnt der
bt aft jialat beg her thn she go ^^
hahs thn we watch the wad spiderwick
walao! i tel u horh the movie thy mak until lyk horror movie lorh
its lyk walao..okae larh
mayb i too ji dong cuz i nearli freak out
bt thn reali lorh =X
i tel u hor i kep screaming n commenting n hiding me face wif my jacket n bouncing up n dwn on my sit lorh
thn isabelle was lyk so jing zhang thn hold shermain n my hand til so tied
bt thn my hand oreadi numb ler so nvm
thn shermain tel us tt the lady bside her oso scream thn gt hold her arm..
i tel u horh shermain n zaf no effect der lorh
wun cry wun scream =.=
lyk so quiet larh
thn isabelle is quiet bt nosier thn thm
while i m the most nosy ^^**proud**
hahs lol yar larh cnt help it marh
the show is nice bt make me freak out thn i cnt reali breath lorh
thn whn thy bomb thn tomato sauce @ the goblins thy bcum green slime mix wif tomato sauce
i nearli puke lor so disgusting larh
thn i quickli drink ice lemon tea ^^ (i share wif zaf)
thn whn to movie goin end i cry..
cuz veri touching marh
thn thy all ask me yy i so emotional..
i sae i watch finding nemo oso cn cry..
got thm speechless
oya n during the movie whn i bouncing the stupid jialat beat my head cor me siao Xd
okae lorh i noe larh bt dunid beat der marh
thn aft tt we ask Mr tan to treat us ^^
hahs thn he sae he gt buget cuz he treat E6 lerh
thn sumore mid mth so poor..
okae lorh thn we decide n decide
so @ the end we go KFC ^^ bt he treat larh
hahs gd ryte..o ya n i wan to complain!
tt stupid jialat sae he cn make me shermain n isabelle fall dwn @ 1 tyme
walao his stupid mouth larh
he make isabelle hyper..(u noe whn u d-siao her n she make u bac)
yar thn thy run run run
thn jialat go trip her whn she was lyk jus bhind me..
thn she fall dwn thn hit my ankle lorh..so pian larh
u noe horh isabelle is lyk alot of strength der person
thn she hit me thn i kneel dwn lorh
so pain larh!!!!
thn i dunoe hw bt shermain shoe broke..(as in the strap broke)
i tink so is i step or sumthg
thn reali we 3 all fall dwn lorh ==
walao so angry larh!!
pain lorh thn shermain shoe spoil..
so sad larh..thn we eat chicken hahs share share
thn aft eat finish we sae wan take grp pic der so went to hunt for a gd bacgrnd
thn went bac to CS..yy?
while hunting,the guys decided to go to acrcade AGN!
wtf larh thn racing agn
n lyk the above larry is violent..
he kep ram jun hao's car
thn thy 2 the car dentted
lalalala~thn aft awhile shermain ask me if cn pei her go find shoe
cuz the shoe tt broke gt stapler metals thr thn kep poking her feet
thn veri uncomfortable
so we went on a shoe hunt^^
hahs @ the end she buy a pair of black slippers
quite nice lorh ^^ bt last pair bt okae
hahs thn i pei her buy i nid go hme lerh
cuz my parent corling n complaining ler
so i go hme my self lorh
hahs thn took mrt n bus hme
thn rch hse bus stop mather tel me wait for her below the block..
@ tt tyme was lyk 9.20-9.30 lyk tt
thn sit thr alone for awhile thn LIM HENGLE cor me
tok awhile thn my mather cum lerh so nv tok
thn n jus nw whn using com she cor me
thn aft tt tel me wan slp lerh
okae thn kup fone..thn aft awhile cor me agn..
thn i ask her"i tot u sae u wan slp"
thn she kep sae i gt "xiang ta"
she tink too much larh=X
thn horh she 2nd tyme sae she wan slp lerh..
okae nvm thn she cor me agn lorh
thn my mathe sumore sclding me so i cnt tok oso marh
so cnt so i ask her to tok to xinyue thn she sae okae bb
^^ hahs nn LIM HENGLE..i GOT wear pants horh!
lalala~ so tired lor
todae haf choir n hist xtra lesson
lalala~choir no wet activities lehh
hahs bt i knew it lyk ystd hahs
todae bring my new camera to sku
take lyk arnd 26 pics..
minus 2 i took myself so its 24
hahs n benson take 1 pic wif me wif fone..
so plus 1 so its 25 hahs
let me c..
i took pics wif:
xinyue da maggie xiao maggie
wanleng benjamin xinting
yangting alvin huihui
cassandra clarissa janine
jana jaslene hahs
cool ryte? okae larh but veri happi lor
hahs lalala~~
yuan lai wo bu shuai is nice larh
veri funi actualli ^^ hahs
i dun haf much to sae lerh
hengle sae she duwan her 21 mistressess ler
she sae she oni wan 2 laopo
thy r:
lim xin yue frm class 3e6
diana soh. novyy's sister..
hahs so nex tyme if she stil hong hor
let slap her pigu>.<

tis lurveli pic hahs
is edited by my greatest bestest sister huixiu<3
hahs ty sister<3..bt>.<
tt person spoils the whole picture seriousli..
saturdae..nthg to du

it looks alittle too small to b seen larh..no choice larh..
bt its veri nice der^^
thn aft i gt present from hengle
tmr is my birthdae! OMG
i m older a year oreadi^^
hahs nbm larhh
siian lor
todae gt the birthdae eve gloom..
sad larh i dun feel happy todae
so tts yy if u count hw much i tok ystd n compare wif todae..
it wil b such a great number of diff..
hahs aiya pass ler hu cares..
well anw cnt wait for tmr^^
siia lar dunoe wad to sae..
oya..heard tt Mr tan teach til tis term thn nv teach ler
so sad lor novyy cnt laugh lyk siao zha bo wif her face lyk lantern
..so sad lorh..he teach hist nt bad lehh
yy nid to go lehh? so sad
(OMG influence by hengle le) kep so sad-ding
hahs..lol same as her nt bad larh wun unhappy..
bt hor will eat til veri dirty oni
(to hengle: ltr xinyue alot of pimples thn u noe..eat til so ang zhang)
hahs novyy sae i made her dae happy todae^^ glad tt she is
i cnt run cross country on fri..doc dun let
i wan run oso cnt, go thr n cheer**
**mr chee sae der**
todae nv take PE agn ler..
1 mth nv take liao lah..
i grow fat ler ltr..hw arh?
i duwan grow fat larh..so hard to slim dwn lor
so ke lian de me..
hahs i dun tink haf ler..
i feel so tired larh
haf fever TT so sick lor
but lyk nt fever lehh..i haf appetite n nv vomit.
oni no taste buds n temp. high lor
siia lah..birthdae cuming liao stil sick
so sad lor
nn hor todae cnt go out wif novy sharon shuhui hengle thy all
cuz ystd gt slight fever mather dun let
thn i tot will okae lor
bt tis morning worst>.<
siian larh..tmr my father drive me to sku!!!
hahs ..my eyes so pain
but tmr goin to sku!
tose ppl hu tagged<3>
march babies rock!