Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @ 1:23 am
12:13 am

oh well. today was a very "flat" day. Not much fun or impact.:/ kinda starting to feel bored. There's nothing to DO!!! TT sigh...Finally went for choir after so long. Realised i couldnt reach my high notes anymore! /cries/ i manage to reach it at the end though, havent been singing choir style for some time. haha! voice became so rusty that i shriek on my first try! DX keke! But" luk luk lumbu "is nice! i seriosuly hope that the juniors can aced it and perform on the 23rd. Waited for JIEMIN to finish Os so that i can take my lunch! (my only proper meal today @4pm)hehe. I'M ON DIET!
Anyway, i just finished watching WGM! i catch up with all that I've missed! XD jinjja ceuto. :) sigh. Makes me wanna find a husband! haha! It seems so cool to have a virtual husband! ^^ hehe! okay. Thats all for today? Gonna go prom shopping with NOVY later! XD
saranghae !