Thursday, May 24, 2007 @ 10:36 pm
sry for the quite dead blog of mine hahs todae was GREAT!
after sk u we went to sentosa hahs...
go see international teams plae volleybal
to compite to get in The Olympics 08' held in Beijing
so funi lorrh its lyk thr we watch half wae thn we go learn volleybal frm a wrld champion hus frm America thn so funi lor the volleybal coach sae BORING hahs lols thn is lyk tt guy choose der ppl to plae nearli all is volleybal plaer thn aft awhile whe let us plae wif the volleyball but plae awhile the teachers tel us to go bac n watch the match again
but watch awhile niia haiix hahs
thn we go tak bus bac hahs inbtw gt funi thgs happen...
i shld stop here cuz i haf nthg much to sae ler
Thursday, May 17, 2007 @ 5:03 pm
hahs!!! todae i went out wif jana n shuyi hehs but i was 8mins late Xd hehs but thy veri gd nb scld me hehs..thn i heard sumthg so dam shocking...
kexin thy all was surpose to go xcape todae...but xcape close so thy went...wild wild WET!!!omg hahs
cn u guys imagine??!!
the key point is tt benson,oscar,leroy,muishan n sum other ppl got go i tink hahs..(ps seniors)
thn its lyk omg hahs thn sumore raining in the afternoon...n e waes
me jana n shu yi go library thn thy borrow bks...those noe me der shld noe i dun reali read so i wuld not borrow der..thn after tt we go tak neoprints hahs so funi lor jana n shuyi lyk to fite over evrithg hahs ...
thn we eat long john thn shuyi "da bao" the chesse sauce hme hahs!!!
thn horrx we go shop for thgs to gif ppl...**VIP** <
thn we walk here n thr thn jana leg pain shuyi kep wan go mac n buy thgs to eat
hahs thn end up we go White Sands thr cuz jana wan buy bag so i bring her go c thr the bag hehs
thn she saw ler thn kep ask if she shld buy hehs thn i tel her buy but shuyi tel her not to hehs
but she got buy narhhx
thn i saw shi hui jiie n michelle jiie wif thier fren thn ariel was infront of thm so i said helloe to her first thn sh thr sae "u gd sae haelloe to infront der nb sae helloe to bhind der" hahs so funi...
thn i saw colin daddy n i heard the BAD NEWS!!
daddy n mummy broke up!!!
i super shock lor!how cn it b?
daddy sadsad norhhx haiix i dun even noe yys thy broke up tose noe fil me in horrx haiix
so sad but she wil owaes b my mummy n he wil owaes b my daddy XP hehs
c i so gd hahs lols..
n e waes so funi thn i went hme wif jiamin n hyrza((ps i dunoe hw spell))
thn i noe another funi thg...
jia min join GURL GUIDS!!!
hu cn blief it larh the uni totali dun fit her...
hu cn imagine jia min wear tt tight tight uni of hers
thn she dun even luk girli enough to wear the uni norhhx haha(jiamin ps)
n e waes todae was great!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
todae last dae of xam kools hehs
n e waes ystd is j0yy laopo birthdae hehs
carmen meii,steph NUer , birthdae gurl n me go eat MAcs
thn we saw jing ting,vivien n jing yi
thn we go walk walk nthg to du so go open plaza...urrm shld b be open plaza first
thn we go thr slack n take photo hehs gt tyme thn i post(i cnt find cable)
thn awhile jiawei thy all cum thn sit dwn tok tok
thn j0yy ask me go walk walk wif her
we go minitoons buy loliipoppiies hehs
thn we go bak ...cuz j0yy birthdae so jiawei thy all gif j0yy present..
sumore gt 1 present in abt j0yys's size hehs
thn thy wan go red hse so i go hme lyk tt norrh hehs..
2dae lehhx the art xam is so close lor...i finish in the 1hr 30min hehs
thn we go White Sands to eat n take neo prints hehs
saw mainey,chel,sidney n huan ting
chel didnt even realise that her wallet was not wif her...
i took the wallet thn novy told me to pass to her n yet chel juz walk out of the library lyk nthg happen OMg!! until wan go hme she stil dunoe til i sae chel check yr wallet ...thn she realise hahs
we LAUGH til wan diie
sumore we were tokin abt all the stupiid thgs tt happen
during the sec1 orentation..
tyme reali flyiies ...6 mths haf pass
dunoe wad to du whn 1e5 07 is gone ...hope we stay in the same class no matter wad!!!
I m PROUD to b frm 1E5
although we r crazy n nosiiy...
WE ROX !!!
Saturday, May 05, 2007 @ 5:26 pm
a fews daes a go we went to eat @ white sands mac ... we went thr to du lite project final touches..thn tis is wad happen so dam funi...hmm tink i m addicted to take fotos n post in on my blog so enjoy hahs>.< its pretty funi even wei yin oso laugh ( she thr study thn we saw her so she join us but cuz of us i tink she did nt concentrate much hehs..ehhs sry weiyin we r lyk tis xpesialli thm..okok tis is wad actuali happen...

novy n ql fite 1

novy n ql fite 2

novy n ql fite 3

nvoy n ql fite 4

novy n ql fite 5

novy n ql fite 6

novy n ql fite 7

novy n ql fite 8

novy saes watch out hehs

the fite continues 1

the fite continues 2

the fite continues 3

the fite continues 4

the fite continues 5

novy pushes hio***

qiulin blocks***arhg`~~

howeva, thy r stil frens hahs
all taken by miie!!! hahs tok lots of tyme n laughter toos hehs all for the frens yay!! n e waes i gtg buais
viiviien =3
novy n ql fite 1
novy n ql fite 2
novy n ql fite 3
nvoy n ql fite 4
novy n ql fite 5
novy n ql fite 6
novy n ql fite 7
novy n ql fite 8
novy saes watch out hehs
the fite continues 1
the fite continues 2
the fite continues 3
the fite continues 4
the fite continues 5
novy pushes hio***
qiulin blocks***arhg`~~
howeva, thy r stil frens hahs
all taken by miie!!! hahs tok lots of tyme n laughter toos hehs all for the frens yay!! n e waes i gtg buais
viiviien =3
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 @ 10:32 pm
hehs todae arhhx i kana force to wake up thn go bugis baibai thn am crowded but stil go thr i sumore wear heels thr siia stand long thn leg pain hehs thn my mather go bugis street shop for a bag to go bangkok during the june holidaes =3 hehs i goin thr ro meet my granduncle hehs n my father's cuzons hehs my raletives all over the place der norhhx gt in singapore in JB in penang in saba in bangkok hahs all near each other but not together so once in awhile we visit each other hehs lols whn i go bangkok muz everidae wake up earli abt lyk 9++ thn gt realdi to go out du shoppin spree hehs we go thr wil haf abt 4 laugages bt cum bac cn haf up to 10 hahs horrible ryte? uc my mather super 1 she cn shop the whole dae til nite thn we oso haf to shop the whole dae wif her we go hme haf to soft thg out n prepare for the spree again the nex dae hahs. i wi lb thr for abt 1 wk i tink so my blog mayb daed for a wk hehs lols bt i wil miss everi 1 here derx hehs
n e waes last last wk i went out to study wif my pri sku frens hehs we go white sands library thn kep kana chase by librarian bt too bad no 1 bothers hehs thn aft tt the nex few daes i went out aft sku wif novy n wad happen? zilianing queen tok my fone n started a marathon of fotot hahs lols so ..

mie de0nne n dolyn((in the toilet hehs))

mie de0nne n dolyn in the library =X

hahs FUCK off


novy n viivii

vivi qiuqiu n novy
n e waes last last wk i went out to study wif my pri sku frens hehs we go white sands library thn kep kana chase by librarian bt too bad no 1 bothers hehs thn aft tt the nex few daes i went out aft sku wif novy n wad happen? zilianing queen tok my fone n started a marathon of fotot hahs lols so ..
mie de0nne n dolyn((in the toilet hehs))
mie de0nne n dolyn in the library =X
hahs FUCK off
novy n viivii
vivi qiuqiu n novy