Friday, April 27, 2007 @ 11:41 pm
ystd me novy n ql went to bedok macs to du project. @ thr we met mainey n isabelle..we set dwn together for mani hrs...thy laughed while i did the project, thy stop laughing n du the project bt laugh again later..
then tis happened...

mainey n novy started to fite...HOI!!!

maineyy punch novy **punch**

novy takes revenge **ouchiies**
it was a laugh...its gd tt i tok it dwn hehs..
viiviien =3
then tis happened...
mainey n novy started to fite...HOI!!!
maineyy punch novy **punch**
novy takes revenge **ouchiies**
it was a laugh...its gd tt i tok it dwn hehs..
viiviien =3
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 11:48 pm
hehs choir got...
YAY!!!all the hard wrk paid off =3 hahs
ps >.< i veri long nb post n chng blogskin i wil find time to du it soon hehs =))sry arhhx juz bare wif it awhlie more n tose hu cum in to my blog muz leave a tag b4 u go orhkiies...hehs (*^-^*)
YAY!!!all the hard wrk paid off =3 hahs
ps >.< i veri long nb post n chng blogskin i wil find time to du it soon hehs =))sry arhhx juz bare wif it awhlie more n tose hu cum in to my blog muz leave a tag b4 u go orhkiies...hehs (*^-^*)
Thursday, April 19, 2007 @ 10:54 pm
hiie long time nb post so i cum post sumthg since sumthg happened ystd on my father's bdae.i got stead lehhx hahz so happi to b wif him...he is understding n caring...i tink i did the ryte thg to acpt him =) dar i lurve u der...missing him oreadi hahz n e waes i reali hope i can last wif him for a veri long time =)) thn i wuld b the happiest gurl on earth hahz
dar is the bes althoght i dunoe him veri well hahz but i wil noe him beta yeas!! i muz dar!!!so dar, euu muz tel me more abt euu orhkiies hahz
n e waes larhhx ql n novy cum my hse todae to du the chinese CA3 thn my the DAM IT internet flashed for lyk 1hr++ thn finalli aft i climb up n dwn to du sum cable conection it finali stop flashing...YAYY!!! thn thy du i watch n sms HIM thn aft tt i go bath thn the whole tyme novy n ql was crazy evri 1 laugh til lyk metal disorder or sumthg so funi norhhx hahz...novy was dancing thn ql was jumping up n dwn thn iwas lyk laughing all the wae hahz thn we 3 were ZI LIANING lyk owaes take here n thr n up n dwn hahz...
i gtg lerhhx...
viiviien =3
dar is the bes althoght i dunoe him veri well hahz but i wil noe him beta yeas!! i muz dar!!!so dar, euu muz tel me more abt euu orhkiies hahz
n e waes larhhx ql n novy cum my hse todae to du the chinese CA3 thn my the DAM IT internet flashed for lyk 1hr++ thn finalli aft i climb up n dwn to du sum cable conection it finali stop flashing...YAYY!!! thn thy du i watch n sms HIM thn aft tt i go bath thn the whole tyme novy n ql was crazy evri 1 laugh til lyk metal disorder or sumthg so funi norhhx hahz...novy was dancing thn ql was jumping up n dwn thn iwas lyk laughing all the wae hahz thn we 3 were ZI LIANING lyk owaes take here n thr n up n dwn hahz...
i gtg lerhhx...
viiviien =3
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 @ 2:07 pm
arhhh!!! i hate fever dam it i kene fever cuz i eat too much chocolate thn nw i nid stay @ hme rest norhhx siians lehhx i gt to rest larh but i nthg much to du lorhhx dunoe lehhx haiix i stil haf abit fever but my voice omg!!! totali chng norhhx how to sing nehhx?? how?? i gt choir SYF der lehhx hpefuli by nex wk i wil ok if nt i wil diie nerhhx i cnt sing @ the moment haiix i miss my frens n choir hahz(( toopid thinking)) n e waes i feel beta thn on tusdae((ystd)) lerhhx ystd i felt terrible i cnt walk cn slp i cnt du n e thg haiix n e waes i haf nthg much to sae cuz i m locked up @ hme so its impossilble to reali haf sumthg xciting happen @ hme hahz
viiviien =3
viiviien =3
Saturday, April 07, 2007 @ 5:59 pm
hahz i chng me blogskin lerrx hahz nice???i du til wan diie siia the blogskin make me blur norhhx hahzbut finalli i get it done lerhhx hahz
super mood swing lehhx sry to tt sum body for throwin tentrum @ u horrx i didn't mean it hope u wil underst n dun avoid me orhkiies??? i m trying to forget u completeli so pls gif me time...cuz it is easier said thn done,the stab u gave was so great tt a scar wil b left after u stole it n stab it n put it bac...complicated i guess.
i feel worst saein tose thgs to euu...i nv felt tt much pain n sorrow in my life until u came..until u turn my life miserable aft all tt u done u stil walk awae haiix i wil acpt reality n move point stayin in the past whn i m in the present
i will tink it through n relax myself..i m tired waitin for euu in pain n everithg all the time,so tis is my desicion tt i made haiix i hope time heals everithg T.T
viiviien =3
super mood swing lehhx sry to tt sum body for throwin tentrum @ u horrx i didn't mean it hope u wil underst n dun avoid me orhkiies??? i m trying to forget u completeli so pls gif me time...cuz it is easier said thn done,the stab u gave was so great tt a scar wil b left after u stole it n stab it n put it bac...complicated i guess.
i feel worst saein tose thgs to euu...i nv felt tt much pain n sorrow in my life until u came..until u turn my life miserable aft all tt u done u stil walk awae haiix i wil acpt reality n move point stayin in the past whn i m in the present
i will tink it through n relax myself..i m tired waitin for euu in pain n everithg all the time,so tis is my desicion tt i made haiix i hope time heals everithg T.T
viiviien =3
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 @ 11:03 pm
i went to tm aft sku wif my nu er(stephanie) n jin ting thn their bf folo thn i was lyk a bit out bt its stil okaes hahz thn stephanie go pierce another 2 on her rite ear hahz thn whn the ppl pierce tt time she jump thn i tio chua so funi( nu er no offence) thn her whole ear red lorrx hahz so cute =3 thn we go take neoprint thn the bois a bit abit cum d-siao us bt stil nt tt bad cuz stephanie tel the bf to "control" thm hahz thn aft tt we sae my nu er der another mummy sec 4 der i dunoe her bt she quiet frenli so yar hahz thn she force stephanien kenny hold hand thn jin ting n calvin hold hand norhhx hahz so funi i giggling whn i c thn her mummy n her daddy struggle to let thm hold hand siia so poor thg thn the mummy the hand bei stephanie hold til pain...>.< thn gt 3 ppl (including me) haf nthg to du wif tis der go the plaegrd plae(the incident happened @ open plaza) bt aft awhile i sian diao so i go hme norhhx hahz i stop til here yar? i wan slp ler okaes
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 @ 10:54 pm
hiie sry for the delay on posting cuz nw adaes i bcum bored until i dun even noe wad to post hahz...sian lorrx i wan slp sia bt let me post first so the blog wun go dead hahz **smiles** ^-^ hahz i so bo liao nw adaes norhhx bt brave enough hahz if u r closest to me of the "dang shi ren" you shld noe wad actuali happen the past few daes hahz ((dunoe cn ask me)) i cried to slp,cried in sku cried,cried whn i cum to tink of it but i m gettin much beta now @ least i m nt so confised n lost lyk i was a few daes ago hahz...cheerful but sumtimes the most cheerful person is also the most sad n worryin person arnd you oni tt tt person put up to act cheerful whn it is totali out of place in her lyk me hahz i owaes help others whn i sad cuz i owaes tink tt if i cnt help myself,thn @ least i could help others. tt wae i could feel beta cuz i owaes tink tt as long as its my prob thr is nb a solution to it unless its a miracle tt happens lyk nb cuz it nb happen in my 13 years of living.howeva i m stil waitin for the miracle to happen if it eva happen i would thank god for it =))
i tink i stop here post nex time x))
i tink i stop here post nex time x))