Sunday, August 27, 2006 @ 2:54 pm
2dae nthg special juz the same old siian timez***lolz nthg 2 du de so dam sian everi dae the same ZzzzzzZ lolz...thn sumore no1 cum tag tts the worst lor..T.T no i cum tag wahhhh...T.T lolz so ppl cum tag more leh flood my tagboard PLS!!!
take cares

<<<<-----Danny Alan David Jones >.<
take cares

<<<<-----Danny Alan David Jones >.<
Saturday, August 26, 2006 @ 10:30 pm
hiie cum blog gain lol...nex wed goin out after sku so happi happi happi.goin out wif jolene n elieen hope cn haf as much fun as possible =]]] lol...mondae nid gt bac paperi dun feel scared leh funni hor?lol.umm actually nt much 2 blog leh sumtimes is so sian til dunoe wad 2 du lor haiish...l
ne wae i dun haf n e thg 2 blog bout le erm...
ne wae i dun haf n e thg 2 blog bout le erm...
Sunday, August 20, 2006 @ 6:42 pm
hiie bac tu blog sry long time no blog umm change blog skin ps the songs u al dunoe which is which u al go slowly hear lor >.<>
i dunoe mah juz n e hw du mah sry ps sry ps...umm tmr xam le haf gt rest 2dae n tmr sit n du paper gd luk guy
i dunoe mah juz n e hw du mah sry ps sry ps...umm tmr xam le haf gt rest 2dae n tmr sit n du paper gd luk guy
Monday, August 14, 2006 @ 7:32 pm
y du u al dun blief me i reali have given up wad du u guys wan me tu du juz tu prove it? i wil wel mayb du n e thg juz tu prove tt the feelins i haf r gone for gd,n e thg ... is it so hard juz tu blief me juz tis once ,izit? i wan tu hurt no body so i rather hurt myself i rather b no body thn tu b sumbody. i would rather die thn tu live tu me thr r no such thgs as xcuses or lies we juz sae thm for wad we lyk i owaes blief in those xcuses n lies nv did i once rejected thm, thn y muz ppl reject my true wrds n sae i m lyin ,y? du i look lyk i m lyin m i i haf been questionin myself for a veri long time bt i feel tt i made the rite decision. thr is no reason tu carry on waitin in pain givin up is the bez ans bt nw al i nid is time which i noe i haf plenty n i juz nid it tu overcome it n cure the idiotic wound of mine. cnt u guys juz gif me time?
Saturday, August 12, 2006 @ 8:24 pm
hiie cum blog le...haiix sian ahh...nthg 2 du sia thn stil go sku for supplymentary after tt straght go tuition maths sumore cn die lor...the cher tok blah blah blah i tink dream dream dream hahz oso dunoe wad crap he tokin so dun care lor...nthg to blog bout le umm take cares
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 @ 4:16 pm
hiie bac tu blog wel nt much tu blog PSLE is round thr corner bt nv revise...x) thn mather sae muz finish her assesment thn cn go out bt stil nv du bt mayb wil du of coz after finish hmewrk...wa life is so boring thn blk out side so many noise i so anrgy...thy cn whn i cum bac sku stop hammerin n make so much noise de mah dril dril dril, i dril their eyebals out thn gt ah...hahz jk nia i dun haf guts tu du tt hahz wel 2 more daes tu fridae,wil b able 2 c my bloved gan family x) so happi hahz bt nt happi coz haf 2 c cb cher face oh tink tt wae mak me headache dun tok bout sher le bahhx...wel tis few daes dun feel wel nt veri happi oso coz wel du wanna sae...n e wae i tink i blog tu much hahz...
tak cares... byebye
tak cares... byebye
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 5:23 pm
y no 1 cum tag de u al bu li wo la ah i ask the question on 1 august no 1 reply sian thn nv reply me wahhhh...
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 @ 10:39 pm
i feel lost ; i tink i lost me pls???i m so confused...shld i simply draw a line to everithg???shld i juz 4get n gif up???shld i juz 4get him???shld i continue???help me...i cnt make decisions ... i hate tis life !!! i reali hate it.wad m i surpose 2 du???
(ans me in tagboard pls[ASAP])
(ans me in tagboard pls[ASAP])